
AI Automation & Workflow Optimization

Formulate strategies and automate routine tasks, such as sending emails or messages, based on different segments or rules set by the collections team.



Account Segmentation

Segment delinquent customers into different categories based on the amount owed, customer characteristics, the number of days past due, and more. It allows for a tailored approach that can increase the effectiveness of your collections strategy.

Account Segmentation

Automated Workflow Management

Generate and send personalized messages to each delinquent customer with our fully autonomous debt collection agent. The content, tone, and frequency of these messages are based on the conversation and negotiation strategy you set and the previous conversations with the customer.

Automated Workflow Management

Customizable Reports

Build and analyze different kinds of reports for understanding customer behavior, identifying trends, payment patterns, and strategizing future actions, to help optimize your overall collections.

Customizable Reports

A/B Testing

Formulate multiple conversation and negotiation strategies and implement them in different groups to see which performs better. By analyzing each group's behavior, you can determine which version is more effective.

A/B Testing

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Impacts we create

High Contact Resolution Rate

An increased FCR indicates efficient issue resolution and reduced need for follow-ups, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Increased Efficiency

Automating routine tasks and communications reduces human agents' workload, allowing them to focus on more complex and high-value tasks.

Personalized Messaging

Customers are more likely to be satisfied with consistent messaging based on set parameters such as tone and frequency.

Increased Employee Retention

Reducing unnecessary load on employees increases job satisfaction and retention rates.